= Software we recommend to use with 3dBAR service data = {{{#!th style='width: 20em;' Software }}} {{{#!th style='width: 20em;' Suitable file formats }}} |---------------- {{{#!th [[http://www.3dbar.org/wiki/barSoftwareInstallation|3dBAR]] }}} {{{#!td CAF }}} |---------------- {{{#!th [[http://www.slicer.org/|3D Slicer]] }}} {{{#!td - NIfTI, - STL (STereoLithography), - VTK structured grid, - VTK polydata }}} |---------------- {{{#!th [[http://bioimagesuite.yale.edu/|BioImage Suite]] }}} {{{#!td - NIfTI, - VTK structured grid }}} |---------------- {{{#!th [[http://www.itksnap.org|ITK-SNAP]] }}} {{{#!td - NIfTI, - VTK structured grid }}} |---------------- {{{#!th [[http://www.paraview.org/|ParaView]] }}} {{{#!td - STL (STereoLithography), - VRML, - VTK polydata, - VTK structured grid, - NIfTI }}} |---------------- {{{#!th [[http://www.blender.org/|Blender]] }}} {{{#!td - STL (STereoLithography), - VRML, - X3D, - SVG }}} |---------------- {{{#!th [[http://www.numpy.org/|NumPy]] }}} {{{#!td !NumPy array }}} |---------------- {{{#!th [[http://inkscape.org/|Inkscape]] }}} {{{#!td - SVG, - PNG }}} |---------------- {{{#!th [[http://www.gimp.org/|Gimp]] }}} {{{#!td PNG }}} {{{ #!html
}}} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ {{{#!th style='width: 20em;' File format }}} {{{#!th style='width: 20em;' Recommended software }}} |---------------- {{{#!th CAF }}} {{{#!td [[http://www.3dbar.org/wiki/barSoftwareInstallation|3dBAR]] }}} |---------------- {{{#!th NIfTI }}} {{{#!td - [[http://www.paraview.org/|ParaView]] v. 3.14.1, - [[http://www.itksnap.org|ITK-SNAP]], - [[http://bioimagesuite.yale.edu/|BioImage Suite]], - [[http://www.slicer.org/|3D Slicer]] }}} |---------------- {{{#!th !NumPy array }}} {{{#!td [[http://www.numpy.org/|NumPy]] }}} |---------------- {{{#!th PNG }}} {{{#!td - [[http://www.gimp.org/|Gimp]] }}} |---------------- {{{#!th STL (STereoLithography) }}} {{{#!td - [[http://www.paraview.org/|ParaView]], - [[http://www.blender.org/|Blender]], - [[http://www.slicer.org/|3D Slicer]] }}} |---------------- {{{#!th SVG }}} {{{#!td [[http://inkscape.org/|Inkscape]] }}} |---------------- {{{#!th VRML }}} {{{#!td - [[http://www.paraview.org/|ParaView]], - [[http://www.blender.org/|Blender]] }}} |---------------- {{{#!th VTK polydata }}} {{{#!td - [[http://www.paraview.org/|ParaView]], - [[http://www.slicer.org/|3D Slicer]] }}} |---------------- {{{#!th VTK structured grid }}} {{{#!td - [[http://www.paraview.org/|ParaView]] v. 3.14.1, - [[http://www.itksnap.org|ITK-SNAP]], - [[http://bioimagesuite.yale.edu/|BioImage Suite]], - [[http://www.slicer.org/|3D Slicer]] }}} |---------------- {{{#!th X3D }}} {{{#!td [[http://www.blender.org/|Blender]] }}}