
Version 8 (modified by pmajka, 11 years ago) (diff)


Supplementary material

Web page contains the most recent versions of supplementary materials for the article:




Following supplementary materials are available:

  1. Reproducing the results from the article.
    • Reproducing Figure 1: Models of structures from the Allen Mouse Brain Reference Atlas ( brain stem, cerebellum, cerebral nuclei and cerebral cortex.
    • The output from the Custom Reconstruction Wizard according to settings from Figure 2.
    • Reproducing Figure 3: Labeled volume of Macaque's brain (Bowden et. al. 2003) loaded into ITK-SNAP (Yushkevich et. al. (2006).
  2. Documentation of the Application Programming Interface (API);
  3. Tutorials:
  4. Screencasts:


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