= Supplementary material = Web page http://www.3dbar.org/wiki/barPossumFrameworkSupplement contains the most recent versions of the supplementary materials for the article: (...) == == = ABSTRACT = (...) == The following supplementary materials are available: == 1. [https://github.com/pmajka/poSSum/ GitHub] repository with the current: a. Release branch: https://github.com/pmajka/poSSum/tree/release b. Develop branch: https://github.com/pmajka/poSSum/tree/develop 2. Virtual Box [http://doc.3dbar.org/possum/possum_framework_vm.ova Appliance Virtual] (2GB) containing reinstalled Xubuntu 12.04 Linux and ready to use PoSSum Reconstruction Framework installation. See the [https://github.com/pmajka/poSSum/blob/0.9.0-pygmy_glider/README.md readme] file for information how to deploy and use the virtual machine.